Чего вы стебётесь над российскими хакерами, не зная, что почём?
Анонимус сам эти занимался.
Для начала с тыртуба загрузил ролик с Хиллари. Взял потом шильце такое небольшое, 10 см.
И в рожу ей: х..як! Х..як! В хлеборезку ей! Шилом! Ещё! И по гляделкам, б...дь! Вот так! Вот так!
Ну и х..ле, сами всё видели: скопытилась через поребрик, увезли. А потом и выборы слила.
Такшта нинада. Умничать нинада.
Клинтон обвинила Путина во вмешательстве в президентские выборы США
// Клинтон обвинила Путина во вмешательстве в президентские выборы США
и действия российского WikiLeaks
"Часть собранной ею информации для ее клиента включала детали о компании, которой руководил бывший гражданин США. Она полагает, что эта компания не платила налоги ни в России, ни в США, а также могла делать пожертвования в Демократическую партию (не имея на то права - ИФ)", - говорится в сообщении телеканала.
Surprise, surprise, surprise, Russian trolls are swarming this article. "Ignore user" button is a girl's best friend.
1 hour ago
Now just explain how $ 150,000 in adds can have an influence on a campaign that spent $ 5 billions (that's $ 5,000,000,000) amongst the candidates? If this is the case, go to Congress and require immediately a batch of HB1 and hire these guys. Because they know about ROI.
2 hours ago
This is not surprising. For most of my Foreign Service career overseas, we in public affairs pursued attempts to influence public opinion in host countries through books, magazines, films, TV programs, satellite broadcasts, and interactive dialogues. We also tracked local media for information about attitudes towards the United States. And we looked for sources of disinformation about the U.S. in local media and tried to determine the origin of such information. We reported on this to our Washington headquarters. So, people in Washington were not blind to our information campaigns or to disinformation campaigns directed against our government and society.
Diplomats of different nations analyze host country cultural, political, economic, and other trends and report these to their governments. It's part of their work. No surprise here. They also seek to influence important opinion leaders in positive ways about their own governments international initiatives.
So, it does not surprise me at all that Russians were using Facebook (and probably other platforms) to influence attitudes among different groups in our society. We should not be surprised and upset. Our government has been doing the same for decades in other countries.
It is upsetting that the current administration wants to brush all of this under the carpet and ignore its impact. For all of the bright, well educated people in the State Department who pursue information strategies targeted at people in other countries, they could be more aggressive in their efforts and the White House and the Secretary of State could be more supportive of such efforts. They were during Ronald Reagan's presidency and it paid off in Western Europe against Soviet propaganda attempts to turn public opinion against us and against NATO.