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Представьте себе, что семеро самураев приходят в деревню, где проживает более тысячи крестьян, чтобы защитить их от внешнего врага - и делают это, минимизируя потери среди помогающих им асигару (всего 6 человек). Это фильм, но это Куросава.
Tyson Foods fires 7 at Iowa pork plant after Covid betting inquiry
An outbreak centered around the plant infected more than 1,000 employees, at least six of whom died. // www.cnbc.com
Семеро менеджеров в крупной американской корпорации по производству продуктов питания обнаруживают в подведомственном хозяйстве заболевших коронавирусом - но заставляют их выходить на работу, принимая друг у друга ставки "кто следующий в цеху заразится", доведя в итоге общее число заразившихся с единичных случаев до более чем тысячи (с 6 скончавшимися от ковида на данный момент). Это такой фильм, что Куросава щурится в гробу. Потому что не фильм.
А главное что ребят даже не ведут всех под белы ручки на зону - только вроде как увольняют, хотя по факту возможно и временно отстраняют; в плане судов всё сложно, возможности у членов семей умерших сотрудников и у бренда, мягко говоря, совсем разные; директорат топовый показушно надрывно извиняется, приговаривая "мы продолжим соблюдать высочайшие стандарты качества и для нас самое ценное - наши сотрудники" (чиво бл...). Ну вы знаете, эта байка волшебная "Да ТАМ такого быть в принципе не может, ведь всех засудят немедленно на жуткие триллионы, так в кино показывают, а значит правда". Очень полезная, кодирующая целевую аудиторию на беспечность и расслабон в плане "я абсолютно защищён". Из той же серии что и автореакция "да раз дело в Нормальной-то Стране, то там всё застраховано везде и на полные суммы, поэтому ничего страшного не произошло, всё всем возмещают всегда". А в итоге всё замнут, как обычно и бывает в США.
Берегите себя и от KPI и от коронавируса, в общем. Тут сходу и не сказать, что опаснее.
Tyson Foods has fired seven top managers at its largest pork plant after an independent investigation into allegations that they bet on how many workers would test positive for the coronavirus, the company announced Wednesday.
The company said the investigation led by former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder revealed troubling behavior that resulted in the firings at the plant in Waterloo, Iowa. An outbreak centered around the plant infected more than 1,000 employees, at least six of whom died.
“We value our people and expect everyone on the team, especially our leaders, to operate with integrity and care in everything we do,” Tyson Foods President and CEO Dean Banks said in a statement. “The behavior exhibited by these individuals does not represent the Tyson core values, which is why we took immediate and appropriate action to get to the truth.”
Banks traveled to the Waterloo plant on Wednesday to discuss the actions with employees. The company did not release the names of those fired or detailed findings of the investigation.
Tyson suspended several top officials last month and retained the law firm Covington & Burling LLP, where Holder is a partner, to conduct the investigation.
Lawyers for the families of four deceased Waterloo workers allege in lawsuits that plant manager Tom Hart organized a buy-in betting pool for supervisors to wager on how many employees would test positive for Covid-19.
Hart allegedly organized the pool last spring as the virus spread through the Waterloo plant. It eventually tore through the broader Waterloo community.
The lawsuits also allege plant managers pressured employees to keep working, even through sickness, and that the company waited too long to shut down the plant to stem the outbreak.
Managers told workers they had a responsibility to stay on the job to ensure that Americans didn’t go hungry, even while they started avoiding the plant floor themselves because they were afraid of contracting the virus, the lawsuits allege.
The lawsuits name Hart, managers John Casey and Cody Brustkern, safety manager Bret Tapken and human resources director James Hook as defendants. They have not returned messages seeking comment.
Tyson vowed Wednesday to open more avenues for employees to communicate concerns, to create a working group to strengthen collaborations with community leaders and to reinforce the importance of its values. Banks said Holder’s team would help “look for ways to enhance a trusting and respectful workplace.”
Separately, the family of a Tyson Foods employee is alleging in a lawsuit that he died from Covid-19 after the meat processing giant failed to implement safety protocols to guard against the coronavirus at the plant in Storm Lake, Iowa, where he worked.
Michael Everhard, 65, of Fonda, died of Covid-19 on June 18, three weeks after being diagnosed with the virus. His family contends he became infected at the Storm Lake plant where he worked for 27 years, The Sioux City Journal reported.
The lawsuit, filed by Everhard’s three children, argues that Tyson and its managers required him and other employees to continue working in an environment “rife with coronavirus” and didn’t implement safety precautions to protect them from contracting the virus, Storm Lake attorney Willis Hamilton said.
In response, Tyson spokeswoman Liz Croston said the company has implemented several measures at its facilities that meet or exceed federal guidance for preventing the spread of Covid-19.