Вечер перестаёт быть томным:
British ambassador briefly arrested after state authorities accuse him of "inciting" the fresh protests.
// www.zerohedge.com
По слухам иранцы задержали английского посла, которого поймали вместе с демонстрантами. Но, вроде, уже отпустили:
Additionally, it appears that the British ambassador in Tehran, Rob Macaire, was arrested shortly after photographing the protests. Iranian state sources are alleging he was helping to "organize" and incite the protests.
The UK ambassador to Iran Rob Macaire has been arrested during the protests in Tehran on Saturday, Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency reported.
Macaire was present during the Saturday protests in front of Tehran’s Amir Kabir University and was arrested then, Tasnim’s report said.
Правда, сильно раскачать пока не удаётся, вроде бы:
However, their size in the hundreds paled in comparison with prior anti-government protests in the tens of thousands last November across multiple cities, which actually saw possibly hundreds killed in clashes with police which often involved live gunfire to put down the crowds by security forces.
Вроде бы речь идёт о сотнях, не десятках тысяч человек, как было в ноябре.