Popsicle>> средняя нормальная городская Российская школа даже сегодня втопчет в грязь любую Американскую Mishka> Это ложь. Такая беспардонная жирная ложь.
А, то есть у тебя есть факты и данные, которыми ты можешь опровергнуть мою "ложь"? Ведь так, нет? Или ты мне хочешь рассказать, что такое Пре-калкулюс в школах и колледжах?
Открываем Коммон Кор Стандарт для штата Вашингтон (самый продвинутый штат в США по СТЕМ--очевидно почему) и читаем что в преамбуле, к очередной хотелке, написано:
For over a decade, research studies of mathematics education in high-performing countries have pointed to the conclusion that the mathematics curriculum in the United States must become substantially more focused and coherent in order to improve mathematics achievement in this country. To deliver on the promise of common standards, the standards must address the problem of a curriculum that is “a mile wide and an inch deep.” These Standards are a substantial answer to that challenge.
Сказки про Американское образование в СТЕМ ты будешь рассказывать в своём кругу благодарных "слушателей". Так и быть для тебя специально и для BS которую ты тут пытаешься распространять--кусок моего манускрипта (ещё не отредактрованного) как раз про "образование" (естественно данные по ТИММС я приведу попозже)--генезис, так сказать проблемы. Итак:
It was not accidental that one of the first people who pointed out massive national security implications of the Soviet educational system for the US were military professionals. Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the American nuclear navy, was one such person of prominence who attacked the myth of superiority of American education even before Sputnik was launched. In fact, Rickover was in business of challenging this myth as early as 1953. [24] Rickover's efforts ended up with him issuing an indictment to the whole American educational system: "...part of the "best schools in the world" myth was the claim that American textbooks were the envy of the world. Rickover had difficulty locating these non-Americans who were so envious. On the contrary, he cited numerous foreign analyses of American school curricula and textbooks which found them to be "bland, superficial, and repetitive. Under the shocking impact of Russian scientific successes, Soviet mathematics and science texts were being translated for use by American students because no similar approach to the subject matter was available. Many of these translated texts were being used in American colleges although the Soviets were using them with 14 year olds in their ten-year schoo1s." [25] After more than 50 years, among which at least 20 has been dedicated by Russia's "reformers" to the efforts of dismantling a vastly superior Soviet STEM education, little changed still in the US. Even today Russia's public school text books for 8th or 9th grade Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry can unnerve many US educators by their academic complexity and scope. Time magazine noted already in 1958 that the amount of instruction in Mathematics, Physics or Biology an average Soviet student received before graduating a public school was three times larger than it was stipulated for the entrance into Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"The Soviet graduates, however, were at least two years ahead of their American counterparts in mastery of "sound, basic education." By that Rickover meant "mathematics, the sciences, mastery of the mother tongue, knowledge of their own classical literature and that of major foreign nations, foreign languages, and history, though their history study is colored by Marxist doctrine. Even Russian graduates of her seven-year schools at ages fourteen and fifteen knew as much about these "solid subjects" as many American high school graduates." [26] The list of subjects studied was much longer though, and included Physical and, later, Economic Geography, it also included Astronomy for the final school year. Russians were extremely well aware of this advantage. Surely, by late 1970s American public school may have had better furniture or may even had a computer, but by 9th Grade Soviet, and even today Russia's students, were solving problems on Newtonian Mechanics in the course of Physics and had a comprehensive course of Trigonometry spanning both courses in Algebra and Geometry and that is what really mattered the most. In Introduction to his famed and startling comparative study of "humanities" education What Ivan Knows That Johnny Doesn't Arther S. Trace Jr. was blunt: "The concern of the recent comparative studies of American and Soviet schools has been to show that American schools are lagging woefully behind Soviet schools in the teaching of mathematics and sciences. These studies have emphasized that whereas all Russian students who graduate from high school have studied physics for five years, chemistry for four years, biology for six years, and astronomy for one year. Only some American high school graduates have studied biology or physics or chemistry for one year." [27] While some improvements were attempted since then, American public schools remain on average way behind in STEM subjects even today. While liberal experimentation, a euphemism for destruction of Russia's education continued through late 1990s and early 2000s, by trying to demolish a systemic and tightly interconnected complex of knowledge procurement, resulting in a wholesome world view, inherent in Soviet/Russian public education, the resistance to those barbaric liberal reforms in education, among many other fields, was growing in Russia. "Westernization" of Russian education was revolving around bringing Russia into the supposedly globalist, led by America, world. The wholesome picture of the world was not needed in this world, nor was needed a crucial feature of a healthy society—a highly developed cognitive process. But as 2015 TIMMS study showed, Russia still led in scores for advanced math and physics the Western World's, including the US, educational systems. [28] This study also underscored a surprising flexibility and survivability of the Russian educational system which simply refused to surrender to radical experimentation and lower its academic demands. In a defiance of the barbaric "western" educational reforms, among which Standardized State Testing, known as Unified State Exam (EGE), was introduced, a number of key Russia's universities still retained their right to conduct independent entrance exams for high school graduates applying there. Thus the key feature of the US educational system—standardized, multiple choice answers, Language and Math, tests—has been rejected, while the key feature of the Soviet educational system, which made it so effective has been preserved. True, many contemporary Russian high school graduates still get to the higher learning institutions based on the Unified State Exam results out of the high school directly, granted that they have to take more than just mandatory language and math tests, which are required only for a high school diploma, known in Russia as Attester of Maturity. But where truly elite education mattered, even amidst "reforms" bacchanalia of late 1990s and early 2000s, higher learning institutions such as Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, not to speak of such centers of education as Bauman Moscow State Technological University—an alma mater for such for such people as Chief Designer Sergei Korolyov and many Soviet/Russian cosmonauts and designers of weapon systems—retained their right for own entrance exams. In a case of sad irony, this school which was and is responsible for producing a good share of Soviet/Russian technological elite ranging from radio electronics to space flight, among many other fields, ranked as #379 in 2011/2012 QS World University rankings well below King Saud University. In 2017 this school's position "improved" to #306 slightly below another academically "shiny" Saudi institution such as King Abdulaziz University or American University of Beirut—schools hardly known for their contribution to space exploration, laser technology, state-of-the-art complex weapon systems and other things of similar nature which are on the resume of Bauman University. [29] Of course, there was and is a dark spot on Bauman's outstanding resume, with Alfred Rosenberg, one of the major ideologues of German National-Socialism being its alumni. The entrance to Bauman University, however, the same as it is true for a number of leading universities in Russia, is a true trial. This is, accidentally, how it is called today, entrance trials, and involves intimidating, by any measure, exams in mathematics, physics, language, foreign language, biology and history. The academic level of entrance exams to Bauman University and many other universities in Russia is such that some students who feel to be not quite ready for trials attend a yearlong preparatory college which gives enough academic boost for taking entrance exams. No US institution of higher education is even in the same universe in STEM requirements for its students, even those universities which, as is expected, are listed in top 20 of very many "rankings". Novosibirsk State University, as an example, even today requires for the entrance exams a level and volume of mathematics and physics knowledge which has its deep roots in old Soviet programs which allowed USSR to not only produce a world-class scientific and technological elite but to seriously challenge the United States in most fields of human activity doing catching up from a position of serious disadvantage as a result of a catastrophe of World War Two which befell Soviet Union. The situation was even more dramatic in preparation of Soviet military elite, which apart from already very high public school level was taking entrance exams into the military academies. Only Combined Arms academies (military officer colleges) by 1960s had study programs of four years. Academically those programs would amount to around 5 year's studies, and to 6 years academic courses for 5-year long naval, air force and other technologically-oriented military academies—everybody studied in USSR on Saturdays. Apart from exhaustive entrance exams in math, physics, language-literature, chemistry, where applicable, the whole host of tough physical and psychological tests was to be taken. Those admitted and who survived a boot camp were immediately subjected to an intensive academic routine which from the get go was dominated by an advanced common precise science courses ranging from Differential Equations, Physics, Mechanics, Radio-electronics to military occupation specific subjects, such as tactics, introduction to theory of operations or, as an example, missile weaponry or aerodynamics for pilots and flight engineers. The result of that was an officer with enough general and specialized education, capable of self-improvement in the most cases. As military manuals stated—the main form of education for the officer, other than attending War College or any other post-graduate professional institution, was self-preparation. Good educational level of the Soviet public schools was also responsible for a large portion of the Soviet military recruits, especially the ones who were drafted in the Navy and Border Guards, becoming a good level specialists after one year of service preceded by a half-year spent in the lower military study schools known in USSR and Russia as Uchebka.
За каждое слово здесь я отвечаю ссылками на уважаемые американские источники. Ну а про военную область и что из себя предствляла и представляет подготовка офицеров и даже личного состава--мне с тобой даже разговаривать неинтересно, потому что об этом у тебя скорее всего нулевые познания. Ну и в заключение--результаты ТИММС по странам.
Highlights From TIMSS and
TIMSS Advanced 2015 Mathematics and Science Achievement of U.S. Students in
Grades 4 and 8 and in Advanced Courses at the End of High School in an International Context
Если ты не знаешь, что такое ТИММС и как он (в отличие от других тестов) измеряет КАЧЕСТВО школьного образования--возьми и изучи вопрос. Так вот во всех ТИММС и по математике и по "науке" Россия на лидирующих позициях в мире далеко обгоняя США и соревнутся не с США, а с Азиатскими "тиграми", которые известны своей усидчивостью и фокусом. В области "продвинутых" Физики, Математики и пр., что в России является СТАНДАРТНЫМИ предметами в шеоле--Россия лидирует в мире.
Смотрим Стр. 25 и далее
Видимо твой уровень образования и культуры таков, что тебя не научили выссказывать мнение только по тем вопросам, в которых ты хотя бы отдалённо разбираешься. Судя по твоей истеричной реакции--у тебя понятий о них--ноль.