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March 9th, 11:21
В комитете по международным отношениям Палаты представителей Конгресса США сегодня проходят слушания, посвященные России: Undermining Democratic Institutions and Splintering NATO: Russian Disinformation AimsHearing: Undermining Democratic Institutions and Splintering NATO: Russian Disinformation Aims - Committee on Foreign Affairs
Chairman Royce on the hearing: “Russia is waging a broad campaign to undermine democratic states and subvert alliances like NATO. In addition to invading Ukraine and bombing civilians in Syria, Russia has pumped tens of millions into disinformation and propaganda targeting the U.S. and Europe. For too long, the U.S. response to Russian aggression has … // foreignaffairs.house.gov
Один из докладчиков, Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr., бывший работник Госдепа в администрации Буша, в своих показаниях призвал бороться с российской кампанией по дезинформацией путем публикации информативных докладов по ключевым темам. В числе этих тем он назвал MH17:
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I conclude by recommending that the Congress consider encouraging the White House and the Intelligence Community to issue a series of well‐researched, unclassified reports regarding the Russian leadership. These would represent our government’s best assessment of the truth, and could in fact become a NATO‐wide effort, issued by the member states of NATO in various formats including video, audio, print and digital, and in several languages including Russian.
Topics for these reports could include the following:
- Estimated funds and properties controlled by Russia’s leader and security services in foreign banks and countries; share of national wealth reaching the population.
- A comprehensive narrative of Russia’s “hybrid operations” (what some term “gray warfare”) in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, including violations of the Geneva Conventions such as the absence of identifying markings on uniforms. The study would review Russian media (mainly state‐controlled television) to confirm that the government concealed from the population the Red Army’s intervention in Ukraine.
- A comprehensive review of the shoot‐down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, summarizing all available evidence that indicates not only Russia’s culpability but its denials and efforts to cover up its role.
- The details of liberal politician Boris Nemtsov’s writings about an alleged $30 Billion in official corruption surrounding the Sochi Olympics, and the intervention in Ukraine, leading up to his assassination in February 2015 on a bridge near the Kremlin; and the raid by regime authorities of the hard drives in his apartment following his death.
- A compendium of the several mysterious deaths and poisonings of critics of the Putin government, with details of available evidence indicating Moscow’s likely culpability.
- A comprehensive review of Russian combat operations in Syria over the past year, including the targeting and destruction of numerous hospitals and other sites protected under international law (building on the Atlantic Council’s excellent work on this topic).
- A comprehensive review of the shoot‐down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, summarizing all available evidence that indicates not only Russia’s culpability but its denials and efforts to cover up its role.