kot1967> Блин вопрос то прост как два пальца.
Это если только в ваших мыслях.
kot1967> Если принимали в дозах выше текущего порога обнаружения или по текщему уровню медицины нам кроме жопы ничего не светит , значит тупо сами отказываемся, не едем и все. Кто там...штангисты китайские вроде бы примерно в такой же ситуации тупо не поехали. И это смотрелось вполне достойно в отличии от текущещего слюне и соплевыделения
Китайские штангисты участвовали во всех без исключения олимпиадах со времени участия Китая вообще.
Weightlifting competitions at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London were held from 28 July to 7 August in the ExCeL venue. Fifteen gold medals were awarded and 260 athletes took part (156 men and 104 women).
15 sets of medals were awarded in the following events:
Coordinates: 51°30′27″N 0°01′47″E / 51.5075°N 0.0297°E / 51.5075; 0.0297
// en.wikipedia.org
Weightlifting competitions at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing were held from August 9 to August 19. Competitions were conducted at the Beihang University Gymnasium.
15 sets of medals were awarded in the following events:
A total of 255 weightlifters from 84 nations competed at the Beijing Games:
// en.wikipedia.org
At the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, fifteen events in weightlifting were contested, in eight classes for men and seven for women. Competition was held in the Nikaia Olympic Weightlifting Hall.
A total of 249 weightlifters from 79 nations competed at the Athens Games:
A total of twelve weightlifters were disqualified for doping, amongst them Greek star Leonidas Sabanis, who had won two silver medals in previous Olympics and who had originally been awarded the bronze medal in the Men's 62 kg division.
// en.wikipedia.org
The Weightlifting Competition at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia saw the introduction of women's weightlifting.
A total number of 261 weightlifters from 73 nations competed at the Sydney Games:
// en.wikipedia.org
The weightlifting competition at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta consisted of ten weight classes, for men only. The range of each weight class was adjusted by 1–4 kg for these Games, marking the first redefinition of Olympic weightlifting weight classes since they were introduced in 1920.
A total of 236 weightlifters from 77 nations competed at the Atlanta Games:
// en.wikipedia.org
The Weightlifting Competition at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona consisted of ten weight classes, for men only.
// en.wikipedia.org
The weightlifting competition at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul consisted of ten weight classes, all for men only.
Mitko Grabnev (56 kg) and Angel Guenchev (67.5 kg) of Bulgaria originally won their respective weight classes, but were both disqualified after they tested positive for Furosemide.Andor Szanyi of Hungary was originally awarded silver in the 100 kg event, but was disqualified after he tested positive for Stanozolol.
// en.wikipedia.org
The weightlifting competition at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles consisted of ten weight classes, all for men only.
The 1984 Summer Olympics boycott meant that the most dominant forces in weightlifting at the time, the USSR and Bulgaria did not take part. This left the field wide open.
// en.wikipedia.org
kot1967> В любом случае после этого берем паузу кушаем твикс, делаем орг.выоды и кадровые ротации.
Какие могут быть оргвыводы, если главный преступник бежал и купается в деньгах и славе?
Поверить доносам преступника-перебежчика? Тогда уж разобраться почему его не наказали сразу.
kot1967> Ну и в целом нужно бы определится в целесообразности траты сил и средств на поддержание современного уровня спортивной медицины и количества околоспортивных функционеров
При чем тут количество околоспортивных функционеров?
Может урезать нелепые нелепые миллиарды на медали параолимпийцам?