D.Vinitski>> Свастика и сегодня - эмблема финских ВВС. Только зеркальная.Bredonosec> а если не врать? Bredonosec> ПАЛИТРА КРЫЛА - Символика
Зачем же так безапелляционно-оскорбительно? Можно ведь уточнить и развить. Опознавательный знак финских ВВС, действительно, с 1945 года не свастика, а бело-голубые круги. В остальной же символике финских ВВС (флаги ВВС, штандарты, ордена, другие знаки) по прежнему наличествует свастика.
Короткий комментарий в разделе FAQ, взятый с сайта финских ВВС:
Why did the Finnish Air Force use the swastika as the national marking between 1918 and 1945? Why is the swastika still part of badges of Air Force units?
The swastika has been used since ancient times both as an ornament and a motif. It is known to appear, among other applications, in the sewing works of the Finno-Ugric peoples until the modern days. The swastika is very often construed as a symbol of good luck.
The first publicly displayed swastika motif in Finland is probably the swastika ornament around Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s Aino triptych from 1891. This painting is currently hung in the stateroom of the Bank of Finland in Helsinki. The armed forces of Finland adopted the swastika during the Civil War in 1918. Swedish Count Eric von Rosen donated the White Army a Thulin typ D airplane in Vaasa on March 6, 1918. On the wings he had painted blue swastikas, his personal mofif of good luck, in Umeå on March 2, before the airplane took off for the crossing of Gulf of Bothnia. After landing in Vaasa the airplane was incorporated as Aircraft Number 1 in the parc d’avions of Finland, later to be renamed the Aviation Force. It was therefore decided to adopt the blue swastika on a white circular background as the national marking, and this was retained until 1945 when it was superseded by the current roundel due to a directive issued by the Allied Control Commission. The directive, however, did not require that the symbol be replaced in other Air Force symbols and flags where it remains in use.
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Мой достаточно вольный (не дословный) перевод части текста:
Директива Комиссии Контрольного Совета рекомендовала (а может быть потребовала) ликвидировать свастику на бортах военных самолетов, но не требовала этого в отношении других символов финских ВВС и их флагов, где она (свастика) используется до сих пор.