Похоже один из первых прецедентов:
Суд в Техасе приговорил к условному сроку 16-летнего Итана Коуча, который сбил насмерть четырех человек, находясь за рулем автомобиля в состоянии алкогольного опьянения. Его адвокатам удалось доказать, что подросток не отдавал себе отчета в том, что делает, потому что страдал от депрессии и недостатка внимания.
// lenta.ru
The psychologist who testified for 16-year-old Ethan Couch is defending the boy's sentence to treatment instead of getting punishment.
// www.businessinsider.com
The psychologist who testified in defense of the 16-year-old drunk driver who killed four people and received no jail time is defending his controversial stance that the boy was afflicted with "affluenza" — meaning the boy's wealth caused him to not associate his bad actions with consequences.
"I don't believe going to the penitentiary was best for him or the state of Texas, and [the judge] concurred," he told Cooper.
"If you kill four people, you can't use that as an excuse, can you?" Cooper asked of the doctor's "affluenza" defense.
Here's a partial transcript of what followed:
MILLER: "When you use the term kill, and people out in America hear that, it implies that there was some motive, that the motive was not good. I think these parents, I think this kid, I think that all of my patients, about 90% of them — their motive is totally honorable like yours is tonight.
Like you, you know, all the people I've watched on CNN, I'm not going to question their motive. I think their method leaves something to be desired. When Nancy [Grace] says 'he murdered four people' — I'm thinking try another method Nancy, you're an attorney."
COOPER: "Are you saying he didn't murder — he didn't kill four people?"
MILLER: "He did not murder four people. It's a legal term."
After dispensing with the term "murder," Cooper asks, "He killed four people, yes?"
"Four people died," Miller said.
"Four people didn't just magically die," Cooper said. "He slammed his vehicle into four people. Correct?"
After a rather exasperating back-and-forth, Miller finally admits that four people were in fact killed by Couch.
извините что на английском, перевода вроде бы пока нет, ведущий спрашивал психиатра, который выступал с показаниями в суде. Деньги теперь вполне легально оправдывают подобные вещи, жесть.
И эти люди учат нас жить...
где-то повыше приводили цитату Пелевина, про Татарского - надо было полностью ее давать, а вы только половину. По части цинизма Штаты, мне кажется, впереди планеты всей, а вот мы этим совсем недавно заболели.