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Япония — Конституционная парламентарная монархия. Согласно Конституции, вступившей силу 3 мая 1947 года, император Японии — «символ государства и единства народа», все государственные назначения и решения он производит по представлению Кабинета министров, который и несёт за них ответственность. На дипломатических встречах он играет роль главы государства. С 1989 года императором Японии является Акихито[32], ему наследует принц Нарухито.
FRANCISCO CARRIÓN-MENA (Ecuador) said that, owing to its policy of defending human rights and supporting peace, his Government condemned the violence in Libya and did so from the framework of its own Constitution. It also condemned unjustified interventions by foreign Powers into the affairs of sovereign States, the “most pathetic recent case” of which had been Iraq. The resolution passed by the Assembly today referred only to Libya, and should not be used in any other context.
MARÍA RUBIALES DE CHAMORRO (Nicaragua) said dialogue and negotiation was the only viable path to resolve internal conflicts and to guarantee State sovereignty and integrity. He was concerned by and deeply regretted the loss of innocent human lives in Libya, a country with which Nicaragua had close ties. The Libyan Government must resolve its domestic problems and find a peaceful solution in a sovereign manner, without foreign interference, or any justification for it. He was deeply concerned over the ferocious media campaign against Libya and its people. The news was contradictory and inflated, and used for purposes of the great super-Powers, which were inciting violence to justify military intervention. Such acts would lead to chaos and complete destabilization of the country. That would enable them to expropriate Libya’s vast oil resources. He rejected all attempts to divide the Libyan territory in order to take advantage of its natural resources.