Реклама Google — средство выживания форумов :)
3.1 - Health 17,019,243
2.4 - Civil Society 10,656,697
1.6 - Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation 8,115,350
6.2 - Administration and Oversight 5,393,240
2.1 - Rule of Law and Human Rights 4,923,840
2.3 - Political Competition and Consensus-Building 4,750,000
2.2 - Good Governance 3,210,329
3.3 - Soc. & Econ Services & Protection for Vulnerable Populations 2,076,973
4.8 - Environment 1,666,476
6.1 - Program Design and Learning 1,600,141
1.5 - Transnational Crime 100,000
6.1 - Cross-cutting Managment 20,496
5.2 - Disaster Readiness 0
3.1 - Health 18,692,175
2.4 - Civil Society 6,246,341
3.3 - Soc. & Econ Services & Protection for Vulnerable Populations 4,889,567
2.2 - Good Governance 4,673,467
2.1 - Rule of Law and Human Rights 4,526,720
1.6 - Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation 4,363,321
6.2 - Administration and Oversight 4,151,765
2.3 - Political Competition and Consensus-Building 3,046,074
4.8 - Environment 2,589,024
6.1 - Program Design and Learning 837,304
1.5 - Transnational Crime 800,000
5.2 - Disaster Readiness 48,304
6.1 - Cross-cutting Managment (8,545)
6.1 - Program Support (15,759)
3.1 - Health 15,130,244
2.4 - Civil Society 7,402,541
2.1 - Rule of Law and Human Rights 6,371,000
2.2 - Good Governance 4,780,821
1.6 - Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation 3,677,636
6.2 - Administration and Oversight 3,596,822
2.3 - Political Competition and Consensus-Building 2,750,000
4.8 - Environment 677,250
5.2 - Disaster Readiness 250,000
3.3 - Soc. & Econ Services & Protection for Vulnerable Populations 177,722
1.5 - Transnational Crime 100,000