"Sen. John McCain told CNN on Thursday that, during his visit to Tripoli a few weeks ago, new government officials told him they're willing to reimburse the United States for its role in helping end the Gadhafi regime. So far, that tab has run about $1.2 billion, according to Pentagon and State Department officials."
Короче дедушко Маккейн ,грит ,надо вам ливийцы отстегнуть 1.2 лярда за демократические бомбы))))))"Мы в восхищении"!!!!!
Some $37 billion in frozen Libyan assets in the United States are ready to go to the new government, Treasury says. Lawmakers say new government says they want to reimburse the United States.
Учитесь студенты!Тут вам и "неприкосновенность" вкладов и частной-государственной собственности ,и война за счет демократизируемой стороны !