Dogrose> Постыдился бы такое говорить. Молоденьких девочек насиловали за просто так. В лучшем случае за кусок хлеба.
According to the tendentious and impressionistic recollection of Nat Frankel of Patton’s Fourth Armored Division, the typical American soldier who landed at Normandy and fought his way across Europe to victory in Berlin eleven
months later could “boast” an average of twenty-five sexual conquests.
The standard image in American culture is that of grateful European women and girls who offered themselves up to the victorious American GIs one lustful interlude at a time. But Frankel’s own account reveals a distinct political economy of rape warfare: of European (especially German) women desperate to provide for themselves and their families who traded sexual favors for access to food and security: “Present-day Europe is full of respectable, petty-bourgeois women
who have, at least once in their lives, flung back their legs for the price of a loaf of bread. But who’s to judge? Many of them I saw were completely incapable of playing the role of whore with any conviction. I remember one whore in
particular. We were deep in Germany, and I asked her if her husband was still alive. . . . She just looked at me. She wasn’t waiting. She was just looking, just looking. Sex can be jagged glass.”
© Nat Frankel and Larry Smith, Patton’s Best: An Informal History of the 4th Armored Division (New York: Dutton, 1978)
Это я не к тому, что "сам-дурак", просто нормально иллюстрирует ситуацию имхо
прочитайте и подумайте - если бы западная (ну или советская, да любая) пресса поставила себе такую задачу - могли бы они накопать 74 свидетельства, или тыщу, или 100 000? но не ставила - и правильно делали, это была страшная ВОЙНА.
Французы своих девок стригли на площадях в 44м
A French woman who co-habited with a German officer is shorn of her hair in liberated
Paris, 1944.
Source: American GI’s scrapbook, Museum of World War Two (Natick)
голландцы тоже
A parade of “sexual collaborators” in liberated Holland, 1944. From the scrapbook of an
American GI.
Source: Museum of World War Two (Natick)
А солдаты видели вот это
Ubiquitous scenes of sexual violence in Eastern zones. In village Tikhvino, the corpse of
a seventeen-year-old girl, raped and murdered by the Nazis. The Soviet photographers
had lowered her skirt to take the photograph.
Source: State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), Moscow.
потом вот это
German propaganda leaflet dropped on US and British forces on the Western Front in
Europe, 1945. The leaflet depicts Soviet sexual violence against women and children as
a tactic for dividing the allies.
Source: Museum of World War Two (Natick)
Всё это было - вот только не нам
ИХ судить!
Последняя листовка - будто адресована д-ром геббельсом вам, г-да нынешние моралисты...
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