au>> Ну вы даёте
Он за оранжевые палатки ещё не расплатился, скажем так
berg> У, это серьёзный документ, это же бомба, сенсация! Осталось выяснить, правда ли, что дедушка ау совсем сильно ударился и тогда мы дружно поверим в публикуемыe документы СБУ на русском.
Да вы не переживайте так, дело веры — сугубо личное и не влияет на предмет. А если хотите повыступать, вот вам материал (на английском, увы) для выступления:
"Congress adopted the full $60 million in supplemental assistance for Ukraine that the Administration requested. This amount is in addition to the $79 million in assistance that we have already budgeted for Ukraine for fiscal year 2005 from FREEDOM Support Act funds."
Briefing Room
The White House provides timely and accurate information about the President's latest events and public statements. Here you'll find photos, video, and blogs, as well as proclamations, executive orders, and press releases.
Latest News
February 18, 2012
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Continuing to Strengthen American Manufacturing
Posted in Statements and Releases
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"I've asked Congress to provide $60 million for new funding to help you in your efforts, Mr. President."
Briefing Room
The White House provides timely and accurate information about the President's latest events and public statements. Here you'll find photos, video, and blogs, as well as proclamations, executive orders, and press releases.
Latest News
February 18, 2012
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Continuing to Strengthen American Manufacturing
Posted in Statements and Releases
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"The President’s request includes $60 million to support the new government’s ability to consolidate gains Ukraine has made, establish the rule of law, combat corruption, and accelerate economic reforms."
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