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Как признал в апреле 1974 года, выступая в Конгрессе США, директор ЦРУ Уильям Колби "в период между 1970 и 1973 годами правительство США выделило более 8 миллионов долларов на тайные операции ЦРУ в Чили, направленные против президента Альенде".
As the investigations gained momentum, Colby's policy of openness began to have wider repercussions. He volunteered to a House committee that President Nixon had authorised Richard Helms (then director of the CIA) to use whatever methods were necessary to stop the Chilean Marxist Salvador Allende from taking power after the 1970 election. When this testimony was leaked to the New York Times, Helms's own previous testimony (given under Nixon's instructions to maintain secrecy) was called into question, which eventually led to legal action being taken against him.
In April 1974 Colby testified before a House subcommittee about the agency's involvement in Chile during the period preceding the coup that toppled Allende in September 1973.
His revelations forced President Ford to confirm that from 1970 to 1973 his predecessor's administration had authorised the spending of more than $8 million to destabilise Allende's government. Colby insisted that the CIA had not been responsible for the coup against the Chilean leader; nevertheless he had admitted enough to touch off a new debate about the CIA's secret political operations.