minchuk, 17.04.2004 18:25:13 :
Кстати, ловлю Вас на слове...
Можете предоставить карты — предоставляйте. Во-первых, я их коллекционирую... B)
Так, поехали:
дома у себя нашёл две большие карты: 1,5 м X 0,8 м ("Israel", with biblical names overlayed, and "The Interim Agreement Map, Deliniating Areas "A" and "B":
Area A: the populated areas shaded in brown. In this areas the palestinian council has responsibility for civil affairs, as well as for internal security and public order.
Area B: the populated areas and the built-up areas of small villages shaded in yellow. In these areas the Palestinian Council has responsibility for civil affairs and public order of the Palestinias, while Israel retains responsibility for combating terrorism and protection of Israelis.
Да, с тех пор много воды утекло (с 1999 года), появилась и зона Ц, а потом всё было похерено Дорожной Картой :).
Извините, карты большие, а я домашний сканнер так и не освоил.
Но всегда есть интернет: идёте на Гугл, и печатаете "map of Judea", ili esli hotite, "map of biblical Judea,, и вот вам первые несколько ссылок:
Biblical Maps for the study of the Bible and history. The Bible Maps are in color or black and white for print or for use in presentations. We offer a growing collection of Bible maps, Old Testament maps, New Testament Maps in color and black and white for church and personal use. We offer many Bible maps of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Our maps cover geographical locations of the ancient Biblical world. The lives of the patriarchs through the life of Jesus and Paul the Apostle. The maps are free, let us know which maps you need and we will try to create them for you. Bible History Online Images and Resources for Biblical History. Resources, Free Bible Software, Bible Art, Biblical History Topics and Study, and ancient Bible maps of Rome, Greece, and ancient Near East.
// www.bible-history.com
Map of the Territory of Judah and Judea in Ancient Israel. Judea and the surrounding territories (Southern Israel). The locations that have an underline are represented in the Old Testament period. The others were important in New Testament times.
// www.bible-history.com
From Syria south to the Dead Sea and Masada, and coastal regions from Tyre to Gaza.
// www.fsmitha.com
Yahoo! GeoCities offers you a free web site and all the tools you need to build a dynamic site. Features include easy-to-use site building tools, online help, web site statistics, secure and reliable hosting, and an intuitive control panel.
// www.geocities.com
Yahoo! GeoCities offers you a free web site and all the tools you need to build a dynamic site. Features include easy-to-use site building tools, online help, web site statistics, secure and reliable hosting, and an intuitive control panel.
// www.geocities.com
http://www.geocities.com/m_yericho/map2.gif [not image]
War remains a threat in the Middle East. The
area needed for defense in a conventional war on the eastern
front extends over the Jordan River Valley and the Judean Desert
and is marked on the map of defense interests in pink (map #2).
This security zone is required also to create a buffer between
the Arab-Muslim space and Israel, because otherwise the former
// Дальше — www.biu.ac.il
The Israeli government headed by the Labor
Party asserted the principle of not evacuating Israeli
settlements in the territories during the interim stages. Indeed,
the settlement of Netzarim was left intact as part of the Oslo 1
agreement, and the road leading to it remained under IDF control.
Similarly, the orchards of Vered Yericho determined the boundary
// Дальше — www.biu.ac.il
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